The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur published the GATE 2023 answer keys on Tuesday, February 21. Candidates can raise objections to the provisional answer key till February 25 via the website, which holds the answer key for all of the MTech entrance test papers.
Candidates have a limited time to challenge the provisional GATE 2023 answer key by submitting an online application form and paying the processing fee of Rs 500 for each answer they question. IIT Kanpur’s GATE statement indicates that those wishing to contest the answers must do so with a payment.
Candidates unsatisfied with GATE 2023 answer key will have to follow the steps given below to raise grievances against it
Having taken into account all the criticisms concerning the GATE 2023 provisional answer key, IIT Kanpur will unveil the ultimate answer key of GATE 2023. The GATE 2023 result will be declared by IIT Kanpur on March 16, 2023.
No results available