The Goa government formed an arrangement with Newton School, an EdTech platform based in Bengaluru, to provide the Digital Goa Scholarship Program. The program offers a 12-week coding bootcamp and a 6-month full-stack web development certification program to train 10,000 Goan students in software development. Students from technical and non-technical backgrounds will receive logical thinking instruction and an introduction to coding during the 12-week coding bootcamp. Mentors, teachers, Newton School graduates, and business executives employed by firms like Netflix, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon, among others, will also lead the workshops. The curriculum will employ an online learning methodology, and students will have access to daily live classes in sessions for creating resumes and practicing for interviews.
The students will need to finish a six-month certification programme in full-stack web development after the Bootcamp. The students will not be required to pay a fee as part of the programme until they receive a job offer through the Newton School placements after finishing their degree and beginning to earn money. Pramod Sawant, the chief minister of Goa, stated this about the initiative: “The Government of Goa has the goal of making Goa into an educational and knowledge hub, and through the Digital Goa Scholarship, we are taking measures towards accomplishing these goals. Students from various colleges will receive advanced coding training from Newton School, making them qualified for placement in thousands of IT firms all over India.
We in Goa are dedicated to taking part in the educational revolution that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sparked. Bringing IT firms to Goa will help the entire economy, not just the young people. The EdTech platform Newton School provides technical education courses and prepares students for employment in the software development sector. Over 2,000 firms, including Google, Zomato, Flipkart, and Deloitte, are presently employing partners with Newton School.