A question about beef in a semester exam at Banaras Hindu University (BHU) allegedly led to a protest and complaints from students to the vice-chancellor. The task was to “write a classification of meat.” The word “Define” appeared in a question on the catering technology and hotel management paper for Bachelor of Vocation (BVOc) students in semester two.
A picture of the question paper that went viral on social media reveals that the 15-point question was one of the section-A long answer questions. Students had to attempt any two of the three questions that made up the section. The other two questions were, “What is sauce? ” and “Give the introduction of soup and write its classification.” What distinguishes a sauce from a gravy? The exam lasted three hours, and the question paper was worth a total of 70 points.
According to reports, university students asked vice-chancellor Sudhir Jain to suspend individuals responsible for creating the exam questions in a letter. Students have been demonstrating against the BHU fee increase for about a week at this point. BHU stated that the revised proposal for fee increases will be put into effect for applicants this year while dismissing fee hike accusations as “baseless”. As part of the continuing indefinite agitation by the ABVP BHU section, a sizable torch procession was led from the Student Union Bhawan to Singh Dwar on Wednesday.