IIT Kanpur saw 808 job offers on the third day of the initial stage of placements 2022. So far, the highest domestic salary offered to students is 1.9 crore rupees, and there have been 74 international offers, with 33 of them exceeding 1 crore rupees.
On December 1, 2022, IIT Kanpur launched its placements for the year. By the end of the first day, 207 pre-placement offers (PPOs) and 312 placement offers were accepted, resulting in a total of 519 offers. 488 students accepted the offers.
On the first day, IIT Kanpur had a total of 72 international offers, which is 25 more than the amount that was received last year. 145 companies attended the placements, with more than 100 offering core, engineering and software positions.
A variety of renowned employment representatives took part in this year’s recruitment process, such as Capital One, SAP Labs, Rakuten Mobile, Enphase, Boston Consulting Group, Bain & Company, McKinsey & Company, and Square Point Capital.
Abhay Karandikar, director at IIT Kanpur, expressed his joy at the beginning of the 2022-23 placement season with the amount of job offers that have come in. The increase in the number of packages offered and the addition of new recruiters indicates the faith employers have in IIT Kanpur. He is sure of a successful season as the days pass.
At the conclusion of the first round of placement for 2021-22, the most lucrative salaries offered were USD 287,550 for international roles and Rs 1.2 crore for domestic positions.