According to officials, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde established a working group of ministers on Tuesday for the efficient implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP). Shinde will serve as the group’s leader, and other members include deputy chief minister Devendra Fadnavis, ministers for higher and technical education, Chandrakant Patil, minister for school education, Deepak Kesarkar, minister for industries, Uday Samant, minister for animal husbandry and dairy development, Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil, minister for medical education, Girish Mahajan, and minister for agriculture, Abdul Sattar.
According to a statement by the Chief Minister’s Office, a task group on the NEP headed by Dr Raghunath Mashelkar has advocated, among other things, upgrading polytechnic degree programmes, statutory provisions for foreign universities, and a commission on teacher training. It further stated that the ministerial working group would periodically assess how the NEP’s implementation was going.