Kerala state government is hopeful of the Governor's okay for the bill to amend university laws.

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  • 2 years ago

The governor, Arif Mohammed Khan, had previously shown hesitation. Still, the Kerala government, which is pushing a bill to change the university laws, seemed optimistic on Thursday that he would sign it once the parliamentary process is complete. In the midst of this, Congress attacked the Left administration over the University Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2022, claiming it was an attempt to select CPI pawns (M) unjustly. According to State Industries Minister P Rajeeve, the State Assembly is passing the bills in a democratic manner.

“The Bills are approved by the Legislative Assembly democratically. In the governor’s name, the government enacts regulations and legislation. He receives the passed bills. A constitutional position, that is. He said, “He knows what to do. The Minister denied suggestions that the Governor would refuse to sign the bill and expressed the government’s hope that he would uphold his constitutional obligations. “The University Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2022 is an attempt to illegally appoint the puppets of the ruling CPI(M) as instructors,” opposition leader VD Satheesan said in a statement to the media. This is not intended to limit the governor’s authority.

By taking away the universities’ self-governance authority and destroying their quality, the government is attempting to convert them into government ministries. According to Congress, the government and the governor allegedly had a secret agreement. Satheesan claimed that the Governor had appointed the Kannur Vice-Chancellor again despite having referred to him as a criminal.

R Bindu, the state’s minister of higher education, today introduced the University Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2022, in the Assembly. He claimed that contrary to claims made by the Congress-led UDF opposition, the provisions relating to the appointment of vice-chancellors (VCs) of state universities do not diminish or take away the Chancellor’s authority to make similar appointments. The Governor declared on Tuesday that if any of the laws went against the spirit of the Constitution, he would not sign them, including the University Laws (Amendment) Bill. He had previously stated that the Bills would only become laws if he signed them after reviewing them.

Mayank Tewari


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