John Varghese is continuing ‘illegally’ as principal of St Stephen’s College of Delhi University.

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  • 2 years ago

According to Delhi University, it is unlawful for John Varghese to continue serving as St. Stephen’s College’s principal. The prolongation of Varghese’s appointment as principal for an additional term is “null and void,” according to DU, who wrote a letter to the chairman of St. Stephen’s College.

“The Competent Authority of the University is of the firm opinion that the decision made by the Supreme Council of St. Stephen’s College to extend the term of appointment of Dr. John Varghese as Principal for another term is ab-initio null and void because the Supreme Council of the College did not follow the due processes and procedures envisaged under the relevant UGC Regulations. It is against the law for Dr. John Varghese to remain Principal after his tenure has ended, according to the letter from DU.

According to the university, St Stephen’s College was informed that the college principal’s term of appointment will be five years, with the opportunity to be re-appointed for an additional term only after adhering to the proper selection procedure. It was claimed that the University Grants Commission (UGC) regulations must be followed in order to evaluate the reappointment of a principal for another term. But, according to DU, “this has been flagrantly disregarded by the Supreme Council of the College, which is not tenable.”

The college principal will be appointed for a term of five years, extendable for another term of five years on the basis of performance assessment by a committee appointed by the university, according to DU’s letter citing UGC regulations on minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff in universities and colleges and measures for the maintenance of standards in higher education, 2018, which were adopted by the university and notified to all the colleges. There will be a vice chancellor nominee and a UGC chairperson nominee on the committee to evaluate the college principal and professors for the next term.

The letter from the DU further stated, “However, in the present case, the appointing authority of St Stephen’s College paid no attention to the proviso of the UGC regulations on minimum qualifications for measurers appointment of teachers and other academic staff in universities and colleges and for the maintenance of standards in higher education, 2018 university. Delhi University added that, in accordance with these laws, the university is in charge of upholding academic standards and exercising its administrative authority over affiliated colleges. As a result, it is mandatory for colleges and other institutions to make sure the laws are properly followed. However, St Stephen’s College has disregarded the intent of the UGC’s caveat by receiving 95% of its maintenance funding from the UGC and 5% from the Trust.

Mayank Tewari


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