India hosts India-Norway Joint Working Group on higher education

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On October 11, 2022, in New Delhi, India hosted the sixth gathering of the India-Norway Joint Working Group on Higher Education. Neeta Prasad, joint secretary for international cooperation in the Indian Ministry of Education, and Anne Line Wold, director general in Norway’s Ministry of Education and Research, presided over the meeting, respectively. The Norwegian ambassador to India took part in the discussion as well.
The MoU on Cooperation in the Field of Higher Education, signed between India and Norway on April 25, 2022, is being monitored and overseen by the Joint Working Group.

The last India-Norway Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in 2014, and it was reviewed by the two parties. They also discussed the general higher education policy and priorities, teacher and student mobility, and collaboration in the area of skill development.



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