IIT Madras, US consulate to organise an international conclave on space technology

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  • 2 weeks ago

A three-day international conference on “Space Technology” will be held from October 15–18 at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras and the US Consulate, according to officials. They said the colloquium, which would be held on the campus of IIT-Madras, will draw participation from national and international space agencies, government organizations, and the corporate sector, with an emphasis on Indo-Pacific nations.

In order to maximise business opportunities and collaboration throughout the Indo-Pacific region, this conclave will bring together significant players in the space technology sector, according to Satyanarayanan Chakravarthy, coordinator of the National Centre for Combustion Research and Development at IIT-Madras. Eminent experts will also examine the difficulties, dangers, and chances facing businesspeople who invest in these fields. The organisers hope to create the “Association of Space Entrepreneurs in the Indo-Pacific” as a networking and advocacy platform for innovation and entrepreneurship in the space industry as a result of the conclave.

In order to encourage international aerospace commercial and scientific space partnerships, stakeholders will suggest a future roadmap. According to Judith Ravin, the US Consul General in Chennai, “the United States and India cooperate on a wide range of diplomatic and security issues, and space is an important element of our relationship that draws linkages between our two countries in the field of scientific exploration, emerging technologies, and commercial partnerships.”

Going a step further, this summit shows how these ties could be strengthened among a group of Indo-Pacific nations ready for further multilateral cooperation in the area of space exploration. The conclave is set to feature more than 80 invited specialists from 15 Indo-Pacific nations, including India, the United States, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Germany, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia, among others. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Australian Space Agency, the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, and the Indian Space Research Organisation are some of the participating government space agencies.



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