Anees Ansari, a computer engineer, was sentenced to life in prison by a Mumbai court on Friday for planning to harm children attending the local American school. Ansari, who was detained by the Maharashtra Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) in October 2014 and has been imprisoned ever since was found guilty by additional sessions Judge A. A. Joglekar of the charges laid out in the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Information Technology Act (ITA).
Ansari lived in Kurla, according to ATS sources. “The guy was detained after he was seen discussing blowing up an American school while communicating with some other people in the Bandra Kurla complex on Facebook. According to a source in 2014, “This is just early information, and the severity and extent are still under investigation.”
The prosecution claims that Ansari created a Facebook account using a false identity while working as an associate geographic technician for a private company and posted offensive content using company equipment. Ansari was taken into custody on October 18, 2014. His Facebook conversations with one Omar Elhaji, according to the investigation agency, revealed his desire to carry out a “lone wolf” attack on the American school. They also accused him of aiding ISIS activities. According to an officer, he has spoken with ISIS several times, and during one of those exchanges, he made it clear that he intended to attack an American school.