On Monday, Vice Chancellor Yogesh Singh said that Delhi University would hold trials for applicants seeking admission under the extracurricular activities (ECA) and sports quotas after October 10 for the academic term 2022–23. The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) score will be granted a 25% weighting for admission under ECA and Sports Supernumerary Quotas and a 75% weighting for certificates and trials.
The university will resume it’s original practice of holding offline performance-based tests for students, as Singh stated during a press conference on this year’s admission process: “The trials for extracurricular activities (ECA) and sports quota students are likely to be held after October 10 for the academic session 2022-23.” Due to Covid-19, DU has been accepting students under the ECA category for the past two years by taking performance certificates into consideration.
Haneet Gandhi, the Dean of Admission at DU, explained the admissions procedure and stated that for ECA and sports, certificates awarded between April 1, 2017, and June 30, 2022, will be considered. For the academic year 2022–2023, admission will be granted based on the ECA Supernumerary Quota in 14 ECA Categories. “Combined ECA Merit (CEM) and Combined Sports Merit (CSM) will be the basis for seat allocation for admission to ECA and Sports Supernumerary Quotas,” Gandhi said. “For admission under ECA, and Sports Supernumerary Quotas, 25% weightage will be given to the CUET score and 75% to certificates and trials.
Gandhi continued, “For an ECA score of 75 marks, for all 12 categories (except NCC and NSS), 60 marks shall be awarded based on physical trials and 15 marks shall be awarded based on the submitted certificates. The maximum marks for an ECA score shall be 75, comprising performance in physical trials and/or uploaded certificates, as applicable.
Delhi University opened a portal for CUET test-based admission to its undergraduate programmes for the academic years 2022–2023. Singh announced that admissions will be handled in 79 UG programmes across 67 institutions, departments, and centres when he unveiled the CSAS-2022 (Allocation-cum-Admission Policy) online. This includes 206 combinations for the BA programmes as well. He explained that the CSAS-2022 would be broken up into three phases: the first would include applying to the University of Delhi, the second would involve filling out preferences, and the third would involve seat assignment and admission.