The University of Delhi has updated the candidate dashboard on the admissions website,, to include the “simulated ranks” feature. Candidates are able to view their projected rankings and chances of being accepted into the college or program of their choice. Also made available today at 5:00 p.m. by Delhi University was the choice change window. Candidates have the option to change their college and program choices up until October 16 at 4:59 p.m.
Before the First CSAS round results are announced, the University will publish a “Simulated List” that will allow applicants to gauge their chances of being accepted into a programme or college. According to an earlier release official notification, the candidates would also have two additional days after the announcement of the “Simulated List” to rearrange their choices.
On October 18, 2022, at 5 PM, the first DU CSAS seat allocation list will be made public. Candidates must visit the official DU CSAS webpage to accept the assigned seat. The acceptance period for DU UG admission 2022 will begin on October 19 at 10:00 am and end on October 21 at 4:59 pm.
Delhi university started the admissions to undergraduate courses through the common seat allocation system (CSAS). DU is offering UG admissions in 79 programmes for near about 70000 seats. DU will declare three rounds of allocation-cum-admission rounds and Spot Admission rounds.