Delhi According to LG office sources on Thursday, LG V K Saxena has ordered an internal investigation into the alleged anomalies in the hiring of guest instructors in AAP government schools and the misuse of funds in the payment of salaries to “ghost” teachers. The LG Secretariat further stated that it had requested the Chief Secretary to advise the Director of Education to immediately verify the employment, physical attendance, and withdrawal of salaries of all guest teachers hired by the city government in its schools. Within one month, a status report must be submitted.
The message from the LG Secretariat to the Chief Secretary stated that “LG has observed that the cases of nonexistent guest instructors and misappropriation of funds are of “severe concern” and cannot occur without “connivance of the Principals/Vice Principals/Accounts staff.” The action was taken a few days after Saxena authorised the Anti-Corruption Branch to investigate allegations of financial misappropriation made against four vice principals of a Delhi government school for allegedly using fictitious guest professors.