20 students from underprivileged families qualify for NEET UG 2022.

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Amrita Sahu, the daughter of a daily wage worker in Odisha, and 19 other youngsters from low-income households passed the NEET exam with the assistance of a nonprofit organization, enabling them to realise their aspirations of becoming doctors. Of the 20 students who were successful, 15 are expected to enrol in an MBBS programme, while the remaining five will be eligible for a BDS programme.

Amrita’s father claimed that financial constraints prevented him from setting up medical coaching for their daughter, but Zindagi Foundation assumed entire responsibility for her NEET preparation. “It was challenging just to keep the family together. In this instance, Zindagi Foundation assumed whole responsibility for her NEET preparation. Amrita received a NEET score of 636 “said her father, Jajpur district resident Akshya Kumar Sahu.

With a NEET score of 635, Jagannath Giri—the son of a daily wage worker in the Odisha district of Kendrapara—has come to a step closer to realising his dream of becoming a doctor. Jagannath Giri said, “With the help and dedication of the Zindagi Foundation, I have succeeded. Sometimes, our family goes without food, and I occasionally go to the fields with my father to get some extra money for my family. A similar tale is that of Malay Kumar Pradhan of Dhenkanal. When obtaining a square meal each day was difficult, medical coaching seemed like a fantasy. But Malay persisted in pursuing his objective. By scoring 634 in NEET, Malay has achieved great success and has taken step towards becoming a doctor.

Narayan Tudy of the Mayurbhanj district stated that he wanted to become a doctor because there weren’t any in Thakurmunda, where he was born. “In the 10th board, I received an 80 percent grade, and in the 12th board, a 79 percent grade. I was still unable to discover a method to realise my dreams “He continued, mentioning how his community was located near a forest. But after learning about Zindagi Foundation from a friend, he travelled to Bhubaneswar where he met Ajay Bahadur Singh and is now prepared to enrol in any government medical school. The Zindagi Foundation picked up the deserving underprivileged students, made arrangements for their housing and boarding, gave them study aids, and gave them advice on how to succeed in the All India Medical Entrance Examination.

At least 20 of the 21 students at Ajay Bahadur Singh’s Zindagi Foundation, who missed out on a medical education due to their low socioeconomic status, have succeeded. Children of daily labourers, landless farmers, weavers, bookbinders, Anganwadi workers, hotel waiters, and roadside Tiffin vendors all plan to become doctors. With this year’s outcome, up to 90 children from low-income homes have successfully completed NEET, a challenge that would be challenging for any student from a wealthy family.

When the Zindagi Foundation celebrates five years of success in 2021–2022, Singh said it will prepare to expand outside of Odisha and allow kids from other states to study for the NEET exam. According to Singh, who spoke to reporters in this city, “We do not receive any donation from anyone and impart coaching to the students free of cost and providing all facilities.” He added that they have also set up funds for some students to cover their admission and other costs after passing the MBBS entrance exam.

He claimed that while the Odisha-based Eastern Drugs, a pharmaceutical business, took care of one student after passing the NEET, Gurugan’s Sikshya Dan financed the medical courses of five additional students, and the USA-based Saloni Foundation took care of four students last year. Singh said: “I see my childhood in these youngsters,” noting that the accomplishment of Zindagi Foundation students is no ordinary success because the majority of these kids don’t even eat two square meals every day.

Mayank Tewari


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