What to Look for When Choosing an International School in Bangkok for Your Child

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  • 6 months ago

Moving to Thailand is exciting and stressful at the same time, especially if you have a child that needs to attend school. You will face a lot of changes, for instance, in the cost of living and the culture of people around you. Finding an international school and understanding what it offers before moving can help reduce the hassle for you and your kid. 

However, choosing one of the best international schools in bangkok is a daunting task. Bangkok is a place of higher and world-class education open for all nationals. There are over 80 schools now offering IB curriculum, so this guide helps you narrow down options on where to send your child. 

A Guide For Choosing Bangkok International Schools 

It is alright to take your time looking for a good school for your kid. Their future really depends on the school’s reputation and educators, so choose wisely. The following tips will help you find the right international school across Thailand. 

  1. Opt for an international school near your place

Transportation cost is a real concern when you live in Bangkok. Daily commute, when accumulated, is heavy in the pocket, and the traffic in the city is time wrecking. It is, indeed, crucial to find a school that is easily accessible to reduce expenses and also for your child’s safety. Some international schools include a bus service, which demands additional costs, but eliminates the risk of commuting. 

Renting a place near the school is also a great idea. Because international schools offer extra-curricular activities, your child might be sent home late. Living around the school’s address adds up to the kids’ safety. 

Thus, figuring out the location is important before moving out. It will save you money and a lot of worries. 

  1. Find a curriculum that fits your child 

Each kid has a specific curriculum that suits their passion and interest. International schools in Bangkok focus not only on academics but also on honing skills for your child’s ability to compete globally. Its difference from regular schools is the word “consistency,” which encourages students to have future goals and plan ahead. 

IB curriculum consists of a wide range of learning your child can benefit from later. It works from early education toward post-secondary education, giving way to more university offers. Whether your child loves art, music, or sports, there is an international school they can enroll in. Even kids who require special education have a place in Bangkok.  

  1. Review the school’s ethos 

Most global schools provide a website to cater to applicants worldwide. There you will find a statement of what the school has to offer. It includes the school’s mission and values that you need to know. This will prepare you and your kid for what to expect and to be aware of during school hours. It will tackle the languages, activities, and rules that will benefit all students with comfort and safety. 

  1. Have a budget in mind

International schools are expensive, and spending thousands of dollars per month is not a surprise.  In Bangkok, most schools charge by term, which might require additional fees for meals, transport, uniform, and other expenses. The total price is undoubtedly high, which increases as your child levels up. 

  1. Consider facilities and staff 

Facilities and staff play a vital role in your child’s quality education. They aim to deliver world-class learning methods suitable for each student. It is worth what you are paying for. 

Thailand offers the best facilities for your child’s comfort. These include a good library and gym to support sports activities after school. Huge green areas also exist, as it is believed to benefit students. 

Bangkok international schools hire teachers with high credentials to ensure quality education. Meeting them face-to-face is a wise move before deciding to get a feel for whether it is the right school for your child. You may also talk to some students and consider their feedback in making decisions. 

  1. Other factors like class size, culture, and language

Younger kids would be better off with a 1:1 learning method. This aids educators in identifying the child’s unique abilities and weaknesses. The good thing is that international schools in Bangkok only accept a few students per class to give full attention to their needs. 

The primary issue when studying abroad is encountering a wide range of cultures. It will be challenging for a kid to understand other cultures. Thankfully, global schools will educate them to respect one another, hence making new friends is a lot easier. 

Another factor is the language barrier since students come from different countries. IB curriculum does not require students to study a new language, but it is an option. 

Final Thoughts

By considering the factors above, it is not that difficult to look for an international school in Bangkok. Sending a child to a global school is the best thing for parents working abroad, with great benefits, like quality education and meeting new friends. It is essential to list your target schools across Bangkok and choose which one is ideal for your budget. Learning a new language is the least priority, whether you believe it or not. 

Mayank Tewari


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