Top 10 Leadership Development Training Topics For Building Leaders

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  • 7 months ago

When you’re trying to build your company, it requires a team effort. And that means building better leaders from within the organization. Leadership training initiatives need to be a central part of this effort.

Leadership training in New Zealand

Curious to learn more? Read on to discover the top ten leadership development training topics for building leaders!

1. Communication Techniques

One of the most important leadership skills is communication. This means being clear, direct, and engaging as a speaker. Without a good grasp of communication, a leader won’t offer the clarity and transparency that employees expect.

A leader will want to strike a balance between speaking authoritatively and projecting warmth and compassion. At a training session, moderators can demonstrate how to do this with the right language, vocal inflections, and gestures.

2. Decision making Skills

Leaders are the ones making decisions that can affect a company’s long-term health. But an unproven leader stepping into a big role might waffle on decisions – or act impulsively.

Leaders need a methodical approach to making decisions. It should involve looking at all angles and consulting other opinions.

That’s why it’s so important to cover this topic at your next leadership training workshop. After all, the last thing anyone wants is for a hasty decision to force a costly error.

3. Time Management

Leadership skills always need to include better time management. Leaders need to know how to prioritize tasks and know when to delegate.

Learning how to set meeting agendas is one step toward better time management. Leaders should be focused on big-picture concerns rather than smaller tasks.

A good training session can help people identify which tasks are more pressing. People also will be able to consider different calendar or app options to stay more organized.

4. Conflict Resolution

Whether you’re pursuing leadership training in New Zealand or New York, a leader will need to be a good mediator. Conflicts are inevitable. And a leader needs the tools to diffuse tense situations.

Leaders have to be willing to insert themselves into problems. This takes courage and good listening skills. But not all leaders are strong in this uncomfortable area.

That’s where a training session can be helpful. People can role-play to learn different approaches to managing employees who are at odds with one another. They’ll develop sample scripts to apply to real situations and learn how to listen to both sides.

5. Engagement

With half of all small businesses failing after five years, leaders will need a good strategy to keep employees motivated and engaged. Looking at strategies to build engagement is an excellent topic for your next leadership training session.

When employees are engaged, they’re less likely to be searching for other jobs. This translates to more consistency and enthusiasm for the work at hand.

6. Approaches to Team-Building

Leaders can promote environments that prioritize collaboration. Or they can make environments feel hostile. The former option obviously is healthier, but what can a leader do to facilitate it?

A leadership workshop should address strategies to build better teams. An action as simple as meeting regularly with teams or team leaders can be one step. Enabling teams to meet, brainstorm, and create plans without feeling micro-managed is another.

A workshop can help potential leaders see the value in loosening the reins. As a benefit, a team that works well together will be more efficient. They also may be more likely to stay at the company for a long time.

7. Change Management

You might need to shift your organizational goals or merge departments at some point. During these transition times, leaders need to project a steady hand.

Change management training can equip all employees with the skills necessary to navigate transitions. Learning how to stay calm and be positive yet pragmatic are tools that can help. People will learn how to be confident and committed to the positive impact of change.

8. Mentorship

As a leader, you’ll have employees under your wing – and you’ll need to mentor them. But if you’re a new manager, this might be foreign territory for you. Leadership training that covers mentorship techniques can be helpful at all levels within an organization.

Mentorship can include meeting weekly with mentees. At these more informal meetings, mentees can talk about their positive and negative experiences.

Mentorship can include encouraging risk-taking or talking about a likely career path, too. These are strategies that can help exist team members to use as a new team member comes on board, too.

9. Goal Setting

Every organization needs overarching goals. And leaders need to set those goals so they can set the tone for the company’s efforts. Devote a workshop to goal setting to help new and seasoned leaders understand what goes into setting goals.

For example, goals should be lofty but attainable. Setting an unrealistic goal can be demoralizing over time. Along the same lines, setting the bar too low for goals can create a false sense of accomplishment.

Leaders must learn how to formulate measurable goals on all levels. Goals can apply to employee achievement or team progress on a project. And goals can pertain to the entire organization.

10. Inclusive Environments

Devoting a training session to the topic of creating diverse and inclusive environments is essential. A workplace that represents everyone and treats everyone with respect should be the expectation. However, instances of implicit and explicit bias can create unhealthy workspaces.

Leaders must be the ones to step in and reroute things toward a more inclusive environment. This starts with acknowledging the problem and determining the next steps. Leadership training can give people the language and framework to do this more effectively.

Leaders may need to hold workshops on bias awareness, for instance. And they may need to focus on how to use inclusive language and promote teamwork.

Investigate Different Leadership Development Training Topics

The best leadership development training topics empower leaders to become better communicators, mentors, and decision-makers. Participants will learn strategies to set goals and diffuse conflicts. They also will learn how to build better and more inclusive teams.

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Mayank Tewari


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