The Role of Technology in Modern College Education

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  • 7 months ago

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.

Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Today, the use of modern technology is observed in every domain of our lives. The utilization of computer-based tools in education is sometimes far advanced. Especially after the global coronavirus pandemic, high tech has drastically greatly transformed the roles of teachers, facilitators, students, and learners in the education process.

Education is no anymore confined to only a desk, notebooks, chalk, and blackboards.  Students and educators use computers and different gadgets for teaching and studying purposes. Technology utilization becomes more common and provides the same, if not more effective, development in the educational process.

Tech has a major impact on teaching and studying in so many ways. Let’s discuss the role of technology in college education:

Modern College Education Introduces Students to Future Careers

The utilization of technology in teaching and studying is one way to get ready students for tech-driven careers. Students deal with technology in college and use gadgets at home. The fact of applying technology in the labs allows students to fully express their creativity and leads to self-realization.

Using gadgets while studying, for example, when carrying out an assignment or working on a project, aids students to grasp the principles of technology effectively. Thus, future graphic artists will find expression at this stage while using the computer to complete drawings for classwork. Those that demonstrate skills in this simple classroom exercise easily continue that line into a career.

Colleges now possess advanced simulators that enable students to gather and utilize modern technology while collaborating as a team on their ideas and projects. The culmination of these projects is showcased in the classroom using screens and projectors. If you need assistance in preparing your presentation, you may find powerpoint presentation writing services available on the Internet to be highly beneficial.

Enhanced Communication and Interaction

Technology in education promotes active interaction. Facilitators organize students’ activities during class sessions, and students actively interact with their classmates. In interactive endeavors, students can contribute with their creative ideas and assist each other. In addition, technology facilitates personal communication with teachers. College students inquire about current topics and request additional help with a challenging subject. Students upload their assignments to the learning platforms, and teachers can examine finished tasks using their gadgets.

Software for online conferencing, blogs, learning platforms, and gamification activities are specific technological tools that enhance student communication and involvement. Students participate in projects, engaging in forum discussions, designing, and sharing files on the platform.

In contrast, to classes that rely primarily on lectures and lack modern facilities where students often remain uninvolved, in a tech environment students demonstrate increased interaction, leading to better information acquisition.

Personalized Learning Approach

Nowadays student-centered approaches become increasingly popular over teacher-centered ones.

This assistive technology includes modern facilities that are applied to maintain, increase, or improve functional capabilities for individuals with special needs. Moreover, technology allows facilitators to customize the content for students with special needs.

Students can schedule their study time fitting to their convenience. They can also venture beyond the basic syllabus to explore additional courses, expanding their breadth of knowledge.

Modern technology in education provides consistent data accessibility, permitting classes to be conducted utterly online using personal computers or other devices. Mixed-mode learning blends the application of computer tech for remote participation with traditional classroom lessons. In both cases, technology can be utilized to customize lesson plans for each and every student. Double periods can be customized to align with individual readiness levels. Using online activities, evaluations can identify specific curriculum components that students may have found difficult, empowering teachers to provide additional support.

Another benefit is the ability for students to rewatch videos and review materials whenever necessary to enhance their understanding of basic concepts. Additionally, teachers can utilize the data obtained through these activities to identify students who may have met difficulties in a specific part of the curriculum and offer them additional assistance.

Technology Utilization Promotes College Students’ Involvement

Students’ critical thinking skills development depends on various factors, such as the kind of technology employed and the way it is utilized.

The utilization of technology in the laboratory can enhance student participation and facilitate a more captivating learning experience. Modern technology helps meet the diverse learning demands of students and takes into account the learning styles of the students.

The utilization of appropriate classroom equipment and participation in e-learning platforms increase students’ involvement, academic performance, and self-confidence.

Additionally, technology promotes the development of critical thinking by exposing students to real-world scenarios and fostering problem-solving abilities, which are fundamental aspects of critical thinking.

Final Thoughts

The utilization of digital equipment and computers in laboratories, classrooms, and online and distance learning heightens the engagement of all participants in the educational process, helps facilitators improve their performance, and provide the implementation of a personalized educational approach to consider different learning styles. Technology is effective in developing crucial skills needed for the fast-developing 21st century.

As technology can also be distracting to some students, addiction and dependency on tech can increase to the point where they may even forget how to perform simple calculations without relying on gadgets and apps.

It depends on educators how we use modern technology in education and how they explain its application to students. If technology is implemented effectively, it can be more productive in the education sector. A practical solution to this is to promote a healthy blend between modern technology and conventional equipment for education.

Although educators are concerned about accessibility and technical difficulties that can pose significant obstacles for some students, it cannot be denied that the use of technology plays a significant role in the education of current students.

This article was submitted by Kavita Bhakuni, who is a software engineer from India.

Mayank Tewari


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