The Role of Fractions in Everyday Life: Practical Examples and Applications

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  • 7 months ago

A fraction is used to represent a portion of a whole or group of items. You can separate a fraction into two parts: the upper part is the numerator, and the lower part is the denominator. When we divide a whole into small pieces it becomes a fraction.

You need to identify which fraction is greater or less . Fraction is an important concept of mathematics that can be found by using a Comparing Fractions Calculator.

Fractions are used in expressing decimals, which means we can represent a decimal in fraction form and vice versa. Fractions are more useful and easy to solve than dealing with decimal representation.

SituationRole of Fractions
Cooking/Baking RecipesMeasuring ingredients, such as 1/2 cup of flour or 3/4 teaspoon of salt, in recipes.
ShoppingCalculating discounts, such as 25% off, or dividing items, such as splitting a bill evenly among friends.
MeasurementsUsing fractions to measure lengths, heights, or volumes, such as 1/4 inch or 3/8 gallon.
TimeRepresenting time in hours, minutes, and seconds, such as 1 1/2 hours or 3/4 of an hour.
SportsKeeping score in games, such as basketball scores of 2 1/2 points or 3/4 of a goal in soccer.
DIY ProjectsDividing materials, such as cutting a board into halves or quarters, or measuring angles in degrees.
Financial TransactionsCalculating interest rates, such as 3.5%, or determining percentages for taxes or tips.
Health and FitnessMonitoring food intake, such as eating 2/3 of a serving, or tracking weight loss/gain in fractions.
Art and DesignUsing fractions to divide or scale images, such as enlarging a picture by 1/4 or dividing a canvas in halves.
Construction and ArchitectureMeasuring dimensions of structures, such as building a wall 3/4 feet thick or 1/2 feet high.

History of Fraction

Fraction is not a new thing; many ancient civilizations including the Harrapanian, greeks, Romans, and Egyptians used a number system called a fraction. Fractions were initially adopted by the Chinese towards the end of the fourth century BCE. In the  Middle East around the 10th century, and finally spread the concept in Europe in the 16th century. A Scottish mathematician John Napier covertered the fraction into decimal form in 1616. He did the addition and subtraction of decimal points.

Notation of Fractions

Fractions has two parts: numerator and denominator. The upper portion is It shows the total number of equal parts the whole is divided or the total number of the same objects in a collection. For example, 5/7,5/11, 8/9. Here 5,5,8 are numerators and 7,11,9 are denominators respectively. When you deal with fractions greater or less than calculator can be a great help for everyone.

The complex fractions operations like the addition or subtraction. You can use a Comparing Fractions Calculator to find fractions addition or subtraction in a matter of seconds.

Arithmetic’s Operations of Fractions:

The Arithmetic’s Operations of Fractions are:

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division

Addition of Fraction

Subtraction of Fraction

Multiplications of Fractions

Division of Fractions

The which fraction is bigger calculator can be a good resource to apply mathematics operations.

Fractions Used in Everyday Life

In real-life circumstances where precise measurements are necessary, fractions come in useful. They are widely used in fields such as science, engineering, commerce, and finance.

Here are a few examples of using fractions in real life:

1. Exchange of Money

In exchanging currencies we use fractions. For example in Pakistan currency used is rupees and other countries like America use dollars and 1 dollar is approximately 292 Rs. To calculate and find how many dollars in rupees we will use fractions. Apply the fraction operation on the fractions by the online Comparing Fractions Calculator.

2. Recipe Making

In the case recipe, you can use fractions for example if you bake a cake it contains a specific amount of sugar, flour, eggs, and butter. Let’s say for 1 pound of cake if we need to make the same cake for 2 pounds we will increase the ingredient accordingly. Some recipes also specify how many people to serve. If yiou are making the same food for multiple persons, we will utilize fractions to change the components accordingly.

3. Scientific Calculations

Using fractions in everyday life here is another example of scientific calculations. The exact thing required is accuracy in science which can be achieved using fractions. A small change in quantity leads to a large change in results. We often ignore decimal values after a point but in scientific calculation, we consider them for accurate results.

You can use a Comparing Fractions Calculator to find addition or subtraction multiplication or division of two or more fractions.

4. Sports

Fractions are used to show the result of a sport. In athletics, the distance jumped or thrown is noted in decimal or fraction form for exact measurement. The time analysis is done by the fractional analysis and is also counted to seconds for accurate performance analysis of a player or team. 

These few examples of using fractions in everyday life. They are heavily used where accurate measurement is required.

Mayank Tewari


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