On Sunday, former Puducherry Lok Sabha member M. Ramadoss criticized the “intervention of Lieutenant Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan and her direction to reverse the order of Puducherry Technological University Vice Chancellor suspending the Registrar.” Ramadoss, a previous chair of the department of economics at Pondicherry Central University, claimed that the Lt. Governor had overstepped her authority and acted without justification in rescinding the order of suspension.
Registrar G Sivaradje was placed on administrative leave by PTU Vice Chancellor S Mohan on Saturday due to allegations of “misuse of office and embezzlement of university money.” Additionally, he stated in his order that claims made against the Registrar in public forums and the media were also deemed to be presumptively true.
In order to take action against the Registrar, the Vice Chancellor cited the PTU Act’s provisions. However, the suspension order was revoked by the Lt Governor, who serves as the university’s chancellor, within hours of it being issued by the Under Secretary of the Puducherry government’s Department of Higher and Technical Education. Ramadoss said that the Lt. Governor had abused her position and “unjustifiably intervened in the running of a university which is an autonomous organisation” without following the proper procedure or providing a justification for the cancellation of the order of suspension.