According to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), the Indian High Commission in Canberra is in touch with the local authorities regarding the stabbing of an Indian student in Australia and expects that action will be taken against the perpetrators. According to MEA Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi, a suspect has reportedly been detained in relation to the incident. According to reports in the local media, a stranger who allegedly wanted money stabbed the 28-year-old Indian student numerous times in the face, chest, and abdomen. According to a statement issued by the New South Wales (NSW) Police Force on Monday, the incident occurred on October 6 at about 10.30 p.m. as Shubham Garg was strolling down the Pacific Highway.
When questioned about the event, Bagchi stated that a suspect is in custody and that the Indian High Commissions in Canberra and Sydney are in close contact with local law enforcement. “It is a tragic event. We are conscious of it. He (Garg) is receiving treatment in a hospital, “Bagchi declared. Garg was met at the hospital by a representative of the Indian consulate, who provided consular assistance, he continued. “It has come to our attention that one person has been arrested. We anticipate that the issue will be treated seriously and that those responsible will face consequences “added the MEA spokesperson.
Bagchi said the Indian mission is also in touch with Garg’s family members and providing help in expediting their travel to Australia. Asked if it was a racial attack, he said, “I do not want to speculate, our focus is on his treatment and the culprit is nabbed.”