Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan inaugurates mega all-IITs showcase IInvenTiv 2022

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  • 2 weeks ago

IInvenTiv 2022 will mark the first time that all Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) from across the nation will come together to present significant resource and development projects. The education minister hopes that this initiative will one day provide a forum for resolving international problems. “According to Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Friday, a large number of developing and developed countries have approached the Indian government about establishing IIT campuses in their countries,” said Dharmendra Pradhan, who spoke at the event. According to the minister, the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) experiment is gaining recognition on a global scale.

Pradhan also praises the Bahubhaashak initiative from IIT Hyderabad, IIT Bombay, IIT Madras, and IIT Madras (CDAC). He talks about the possibilities of speech-to-speech technology in India and the financial benefits of using it to promote Indian literature abroad. Pradhan and MDSE will unveil six showcase projects at the event’s initial session. All booths will prepare for the exhibition while the primary guest and guest of honour speak about the event.

Day 1 at IInvenTiv will begin with two 90-minute sessions, followed by six concurrent sessions with six to seven proposals each. To honour India’s 75th anniversary of independence, the event will feature 75 projects from 23 IITs. Individual meetings between academic members and business representatives will take place on Day 2. On the second day, all college teachers and students can view the projects at the IITs’ set-up stalls. The expo will feature the most research and development initiatives from IIT Kanpur.

IInvenTiv will cover 10 major domains in their exhibits, the themes are flexible electronics and nanotechnology, robotic sensors and actuators and semiconductors, communication technologies, AL, ML and blockchain technologies, healthcare, defence and aerospace, manufacturing, smart cities and infrastructure, clean energy and renewables and environment and sustainability.



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