On Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi officially opened the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh. The AIIMS was founded under the Central Sector Program Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana, on whose foundation the Prime Minister also laid the stone in October 2017. AIIMS Bilaspur is a cutting-edge hospital with 750 beds, 64 ICU beds, 18 speciality and 17 super-speciality departments, and 18 modular operating rooms, with a construction budget of more than Rs. 1,470 crores.
The hospital, which spans 247 acres, is furnished with 24-hour emergency and dialysis services; ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, and other cutting-edge diagnostic equipment; Amrit Pharmacy; Jan Aushadhi Kendra; and a 30-bed AYUSH block.
In order to provide medical care in Himachal Pradesh’s remote and tribal areas, the hospital also established the Centre for Digital Health. Additionally, the hospital will offer specialised medical treatments through health camps in remote tribal and high Himalayan locations, including Kaza, Saluni, and Keylong. Each year, the hospital will accept 60 students for nursing studies and 100 students for MBBS programs. Additionally, Modi will speak at a public gathering at Bilaspur’s Luhnu Ground. Later, the prime minister will participate in the revered Kullu Dussehra festivities.