The Delhi government’s Directorate of Education announced that new online applications for admissions under the economically weaker sections/disadvantaged (EWS/DG) and children with special needs (CWSN) categories into entry-level classes for the 2022–23 session will be available starting on October 3. Applications can be submitted through October 10 on the department’s website. “Starting on October 3, an online application submission module will be open for candidates in the EWS/DG category to apply for the 5,881 open seats and the 4,448 open CWSN positions.” The notice stated that on October 14, a tentative time and date for a computerised online lotto draw will be revealed. On October 3, at 11 a.m., the website will be updated with the list of schools with openings.
The department has also announced two helpline numbers — 8800355192 and 9818154069 — to register complaints or queries between 10 am and 5 pm on weekdays.
The agency stated in a circular that there are still about 10,329 open seats in entry-level classes in private unaided schools despite soliciting online applications starting on September 3. The main computerised draw of lots for admission under the EWS/DG and CWSN categories at the entry-level classes in Private Unaided Schools (excluding minority schools) authorised under DSEAR 1973 and the RTE Act 2009 has already been done, according to the circular.