A Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) investigation into the state’s 35 private nursing institutions’ eligibility for recognition and other matters has been ordered by the Madhya Pradesh High Court’s Gwalior bench. A division bench was hearing a plea for recognition from these educational institutions of Justices Rohit Arya and M. R. Phadke. The HC panel ordered a CBI investigation on Wednesday into the operations of 35 private nursing institutions that were not accredited by the appropriate agencies but unlawfully enrolled students for the 2019–20 academic year. Jiteen Shukla, Director of the Medical Education Department, stated that “these colleges had filed with the HC last year requesting help to get their institutes recognized by competent authorities.” Raghuvanshi.
“Colonel Sarabjit Singh Kaur, Secretary of Indian Nursing Council and Deepak Purohit, Deputy Superintendent of Police of CBI were present during the hearing,” he informed.
“Students were admitted to the 35 colleges despite their lack of recognition. These institutions lack the necessary facilities. During proceedings, a number of anomalies in how the universities operated had been revealed “said the additional attorney general. Raghuvanshi stated that the case’s subsequent hearing will take place in January.