According to UGC Chairman M. Jagadesh Kumar, the Common University Entrance Test (CUET PG) for postgraduate admissions has not had scores normalised as CUET UG has. Today, September 26, 2022, saw the CUET PG 2022 results released. According to Kumar, who spoke to PTI, “No normalisation of results has been done in CUET PG, and the universities will compile rank lists based on ‘raw marks’ and not NTA scores.”
Scores in the CUET UG, whose results were released on September 16, were normalised, and the UGC had previously declared that rank lists would be created using the normalised National Testing Agency (NTA) scores. When questioned about the reasons why the CUET-PG scores were not normalised, Kumar responded, “For the bulk of subjects, the PG exam was administered in a single sitting, whereas the UG exam was administered in various phases and shifts. In order to offer a level playing field for all candidates, scores must be normalised.” In contrast to CUET-UG, the NTA has also revealed the top candidates in each topic for the postgraduate admission exam.