According to the education ministry, President Droupadi Murmu has given his approval for the appointment of new directors of eight Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). IIT Madras professors Shreepad Karmalkar and Seshadri Sekhar have been selected to lead IIT Palakkad and IIT Bhubaneshwar, respectively. IIT Kharagpur’s Department of Civil Engineering’s Venkayappaya R Desai has been chosen as the Director of IIT Dharwad, while the institute’s present Director, Pasumarthy Seshu, has been selected as the Director of IIT Goa. KN Satyanarayana (IIT Tirupati), Rajiv Prakash (IIT Bhilai), Rajat Moona (IIT Gandhinagar), and Manoj Singh Gaur are other individuals appointed to the top positions (IIT Jammu).