The chief minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, announced Monday a three-year hike in the minimum age requirement for applicants to the MPPSC examinations. The MPPSC examinations could not be held due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and numerous candidates had already passed the eligibility age at the time the decision was made. The COVID-19 pandemic prevented the MPPSC tests from taking place in previous years, and during that time, some candidates passed the eligibility age, according to Chouhan.
The chief minister claimed that he had spoken with several candidates and expressed his own opinion that those who had reached the eligibility age were being unfairly discriminated against. For once, he stated, “We have chosen to relax the maximum age limit by three years so that justice may be served to such candidates.” While this was happening, the general administration department (GAD) issued an order indicating that the MPPSC would be conducting recruitment exams for open government positions until December 2023 and that the age limit had been raised by three years.
According to an MPPSC official who spoke to PTI, the unreserved category’s age limit is currently 40 years old, while the age limit for women and members of the Scheduled Tribe (ST), Scheduled Caste (SC), Economic Weaker Section (EWS), and Other Backward Classes is 45 years old (OBCs). For the unreserved category, the maximum age for uniformed positions (police and security forces) is 33 years old; for other categories, the maximum age is 38 years old.